Pass Boxes
Rossetto offers several Static, Static for trolleys, and Dynamic Airflow Pass Box solutions as an essential element for handling in sterile production environments, quality control laboratories, and flow areas.
The Rossetto Pass Box line offers a wide range of optional accessories for a solution to suit every need.

The treatment carried out inside the Pass Boxes takes place via direct irradiation (programmable) with a UV-C lamp, in order to guarantee a germicidal action and sterility on the surfaces and in the surrounding air, which will previously be filtered through H14 absolute filters.
All this to eliminate the microbial load on the treated products, such as: bacteria, viruses, spores, fungi, molds and mites.
Rossetto Pass Box Models:

Static wall-mounted
Complete system for the passage of small objects between two different clean rooms, fully integrated and planar to the movable wall, Pass Box doors are made with stainless steel handles and perimeter seals. The interior of the static Pass Box is made of 10/10 stainless steel with a Scotch Brite finish.

Static ground cart
Complete system for the passage of small objects between two different clean rooms, fully integrated and planar to the movable wall, Pass Box doors are made with stainless steel handles and perimeter seals. The interior of the static Pass Box is made of 10/10 stainless steel with a Scotch Brite finish.

Dynamic airflow cabin
Complete system for the passage of small objects between two different clean rooms, fully integrated and planar to the movable wall, Pass Box doors are made with stainless steel handles and perimeter seals. The interior of the static Pass Box is made of 10/10 stainless steel with a Scotch Brite finish.

A complete Pass Box system
All Rossetto’s Pass Boxes are manufactured with a complete system for the passage of small objects between two different clean rooms, fully integrated and planar to the partition wall.
Pass Box doors are made of the same anodized aluminium profile as the clean room doors and the Total Glass doors, with stainless steel handle and perimeter seals.
All Pass Boxes are made of 10/10 stainless steel with a scotch-brite finish or in the pharma wall.
Each Rossetto Pass Box can be customized with variable sizes according to requirements.
We pay the utmost attention to individual needs and then bring our experience to bear in creating specialised production environments